The ePowerSwitch by Neol is today the largest available range of Power Switches. We manufacture no less than 13 different models and most of them are modular and expandable in order to support highest level of flexibility for its users. We master the latest hardware and software technologies and so develop new and imaginative solutions which exactly fit your needs.
The range of our power distribution units can be devided into 3 groups:
1. Master Power Switches
ePowerSwitch 4M+
ePowerSwitch 8M+ (2 x 10 Amp)
ePowerSwitch 8M+/32 (2 x 16 Amp)
All of these units have a modular and flexible architecture and support up to 4 external peripherals which enable to increase the number of controlled Power Outlets or to add Sensors and Detectors in order to create a self-tailored Environmental Monitoring System.
ePowerSwitch 8XM+ (2 x 16 Amp)
This unit supports up to 255 peripherals and 128 bit SSL/HTTPS secured communications.
2. Satellite Power Switches
ePowerSwitch 8XS (2 x 10 Amp Power inputs)
ePowerSwitch 8XS/32 (2 x 16 Amp Power inputs)
ePowerSwitch 1XS
These units are intended:
- to extended the number of controlled Power Outlets of the previous Master Power Switches
- to enable Power Control over a KVM Switch, a Console Server or any System using an RS232 or RS485 interface
3. Stand-alone Power Switches
ePowerSwitch 1G
ePowerSwitch 4 (Power Strip with CH/DE/UK/FR system plug option)
ePowerSwitch 4 IEC (IEC320 front plug power bar for Rackmounts)
These units are used as stand-alone units. They enable to:
- send emails, SNMP traps and Syslog messages,
- automatically monitor IP devices and reboot them in case of hang-up,
- use a safe Shutdown of a server and the Wake on LAN function,
- trigger time-based actions using a Scheduler with Real Time Clock.
The ePowerSwitch by Neol is not just a power distribution unit. Most of them combine in one device, a professional power distribution unit with extended functions and a powerful environmental monitoring system. Thanks to an easy-to-use HTTP interface, the administrator can easily and quickly create powerful rules which enable to trigger actions if an event occurs.
The administrator, for example, could create a rule to switch a Power Outlet off and send an Email if a temperature has exceeded a defined threshold.
As event, the administrator can use different sensors and detectors connected to the ePowerSwitch over an RS485 bus-based network allowing a cable length of up to 200 m using standard network cables.
As Actions, the administrator can trigger one or multiple of following actions:
- switch on, off or recycle a power outlet or a group of power outlets
- switch on, off or recycle a relay output
- send an email to a mail server
- send an SNMP trap to an SNMP server
- send a Syslog message to a Syslog server
Different types of rules can be created to eliminate wasted energy, to increase the security of your facilities or to reduce unforeseen downtimes of your equipment.
1. Schedule Rule
This rule is used to trigger user-specified actions according to a defined time table. It can be used:
- to execute once defined actions at specified time and weekday(s). In that case you must only specify the start time and the weekday(s).
- to execute repeatedly defined actions during a given time. In that case you must specify the start time, the interval on which the rule has to be repeated and the end time.
This rule could be used to restart a power outlet (or a group of power outlets) at regular interval during a given time. It could also be used to send sensor values over SNMP or a Syslog message at regular interval during a given time.
2. Timer Rule
This rule is used to automatically control ePowerSwitch power outlets or digital outputs according to a defined time table. It enables to switch On or Off a power outlet (or a group of power outlets) or open or close a digital output at specified time and weekday(s) for a specified time. You must define the start time, the weekday(s) and the stop time. The rule could be used to switch On a device every Monday and Friday from 8:00 AM (Start Time) and switch it automatically off every Monday and Friday at 05:00 PM (Stop Time).
3. Ping Monitoring Rule
This Rule is used to monitor an IP device and trigger different actions if the monitored device does not send any reply.
4. Scan Monitoring Rule
This Rule is used to monitor a specific IP Port and trigger different actions if the monitored IP Port does not send any reply.
5. Power Supply Monitoring Rule
This rule is used to control actions according to the state of the power supplies of the ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard system and their peripherals. It enables to send alert messages in case of power failure or set power outlet or digital output.
6. Digital Input Monitoring Rule
This Rule is used to monitor dry contacts (external door contacts, smoke, water and motion detectors…) and to trigger different actions according to the status of the dry (open/closed).
7. Analogical Input Monitoring Rule
This Rule is used to monitor analogical sensors (temperature, humidity, ambient light, current, voltage, pressure, flow…) and to trigger different actions if the measured value has exceeded a defined threshold.
8. xBus Peripheral Connection Rule
This Rule is used to monitor the connection of peripheral units and to trigger different actions if a peripheral unit is disconnected and/or connected again.
9. Trigger Rule
This Rule is used to send a request over the Internet from one ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard device to another ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard. The request sent by one device is used to trigger an action on the other device. The administrator, for example, could create a rule to remotely switch a Power Outlet off if locally a door contact is closed.
All our ePowerSwitch Master, VizioGuard and VizoGuard Tiny devices support HTTP.
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is supported by all Internet browsers and servers and enables to configure and manage all our ePowerSwitch Master and VizoGuard devices.
The protocol uses the Transmission Control Protocol (<wbr>TCP) on port 80 but you canmanually configure it to be different.
Note: If the device is connected to the Internet through a Router, you must open TCP Port 80 (HTTP) at the router configuration page.
Only the ePowerSwitch 8XM and VizioGuard support HTTPS. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secured (HTTPS) is a combination of the common HTTP Protocol with the SSL/TLS protocol. It provides an encrypted communication and a secure identification of a network web server and is used to configure and manage securely the ePowerSwitch 8XM and the VizioGuard devices. The protocol uses the Transmission Control Protocol (<wbr>TCP) on port number 443.
Note: If the device is connected to the Internet through a Router, you must open TCP Port 443 (HTTPS) at the router configuration page.
All our ePowerSwitch Master, VizioGuard and VizoGuard Tiny devices support SNTP and redundant Servers for synchronisation. The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is a simplified version of the NTP Protocol and is used to synchronize the system time of a computer system over data networks. All ePowerSwitch Master and VizioGuard can synchronize their Real Time Clock (RTC) system clock with a remote Time Server across the Internet. The protocol uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) on port number 123.
Note: If the device is connected to the Internet through a Router, you must open UDP Port 123 (SNTP) at the router configuration page.
All our ePowerSwitch Master devices (Version 2.x or higher) Vizioguard and VizioGuard Tiny devices support SNMP. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used to manage devices on IP Networks and enables to monitor Sensors connected to the ePowerSwitch Master and VizioGuard devices. It enables also to control the Power Outlets of an ePowerSwitch. The protocol uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) on port number 161 and 162 for Traps.
Note: If the device is connected to the Internet through a Router, you must open UDP Port 161 (SNMP) and or 162 (SNMP Trap) at the router configuration page.
All our ePowerSwitch Master devices (Version 2.5 or higher) and VizioGuard devices support SMTP. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used to send e-mails via the Internet.
The protocol uses the Transmission Control Protocol (<wbr>TCP) on port 25.
Note: If the device is connected to the Internet through a Router, you must open TCP Port 25 (SMTP) at the router configuration page.
All our ePowerSwitch Master devices, VizioGuard and VizioGuard Tiny devices support Syslog.
The Syslog protocol is used by network devices/hosts to send messages over the network. The protocol uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) on port number 514.
Note: If the device is connected to the Internet through a Router, you must open UDP Port 514 (Syslog) at the router configuration page.
All current ePowerSwitch and VizioGuard devices uses a nonce and a hash function so that user names and passwords can not be reconstructed. All other data are not protected (uncrypted). If all data have to be protected, you must use devices which support the HTTPS protocol (HTTP over SSL), for example units like ePowerSwitch 8XM or VizioGuard.
Using MD5 digest authentication, the ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard server sends together with the WWW-Authenticate header a random string to the browser. The browser then calculates the MD5 hash code (including username, password and random string) and send it back together with the user name and the random string to the server. The server then computes the checksum, and compares the results.
IP filtering is a way to restrict access to the Web server to specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses. Network hosts with IP addresses outside of the designated addresses or ranges are therefore not entitled to login.
Note: IP Filtering is only intended for users who want to implement power management using own programs.
ePowerSwitch Satellite devices are the ideal solution to control the power supply ofmultiple Computers using an KVM Switch. As the ePowerSwitch devices are easily cascadable via standard RJ45 network cables, the number of controlled power outletscan be extended up to 128 Power Outlets whenever you want.
ePowerSwitch units to use for power management over KVM Switch
The following ePowerSwitch Satellite devices are ideal for power management over a KVM Switch. All of them have both RS232 and RS485 serial Interface and support daisy chaining of up to 16 units over a length of up to 200 meters.
- ePowerSwitch 8XS
Power Inputs: 2 x IEC-320 C14 – 10A
Power Outputs: 8 x IEC-320 C13 – 10A - ePowerSwitch 8XS/32
Power Inputs: 2 x IEC-320 C14 – 16A
Power Outputs: 8 x IEC-320 C13 – 10A - ePowerSwitch 1XS
Power Inputs: 1 x IEC-320 C14 – 10A
Power Outputs: 1 x IEC-320 C13 – 10A
Best ePowerSwitch and KVM Switch combination
ePowerSwitch Master devices are essential for remote power distribution, management and control. ePowerSwitch Satellite devices are ideal to power down and power up multiple individual devices over a KVM Switch.
The following devices are best choice and approved by our development team for power management over KVM switches. They have a special Option Port intended for all ePowerSwitch units and allow to control easily up to 128 power outlets:
Visit or get in touch with our sales department in Germany which is specialised in KVM solutions for further information.
All ePowerSwitch Master devices and the VizioGuard environmental monitoring system have a bus interface to connected external peripheral units. This interface is device depending and can be an xBus, A-xBus or L-xBus interface.
The xBus is the traditionnal interface used to connnect all our xBus peripherals. The total xBus cable length should not exceed 200 meters.
The L-xBus is the Lite version of the xBus used to connect L-xBus peripherals. The total L-xBus cable length is limited to 20 meters and only 4 L-xBus Peripherals can be daisy chained. Currently only the Tiny T-Sensor and the VizioGuard Tiny offers an L-xBus interface.
A-xBus is the interface used by all our new devices. This bus has the advantage to support xBus or L-xBus peripherals. The total cable length should not exceed 200 meters by connecting xBus peripheral devices. The total cable length is limited to 20 meters by connecting L-xBus Peripheral devices.
The xBus and A-xBus are based on the RS485 standard for industrial-used serial bus. All xBus peripherals have dual RJ45 connectors and allow to combine both star and in-line topology.
ePowerSwitch 4M+
- 1 A-xBus interface
ePowerSwitch 8M+/R2
- 1 A-xBus interface
ePowerSwitch 8M+/32
- 1 xBus interface
ePowerSwitch 8XM/R2
- 1 xBus interface
- 4 xBus interfaces
VizioGuard Tiny
- 1 A-xBus interface
- 3 L-xBus interfaces
Neol delivers with all its ePowerSwitch and VizioGuard products a useful network configuration software called „Finder“ which makes the installation of a device quite easy.
Fast and Easy Configuration
The Finder program is the simplest and fastest configuration method to configure the network parameters if you use Windows as operating system. This program allows you to configure your ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard device through your LAN (local area network) even if its factory network parameters (IP Address, Subnet mask and Port Number) are not compatible with those of your LAN.
The devices are detected automagically within your infrastructure allowing to do a initial setup.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a UDP-based network protocolused in network management systems to monitor network-attached devices. All our ePowerSwitch and VizioGuard units support SNMP V2c and can so be managed using aMIB browser. To use SNMP you will have to set up a minimal number of configuration parameters on both control system device and MIB browser.
Settings on the ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard
- Log in as Administrator to your control system:
– Go to the SNMP Page (Tab “General/SNMP“).
– Select the checkbox “SNMP enabled”. - If you want only to monitor the status of digital inputs or the value of sensors:
– Keep public as Read Community name for test purposes (you can rename it later). - If you want also to control power outlets, groups of power outlets or digital outputs over.
– Select the Write Community checkbox.
– Keep private as Write Community name for test purposes (you can rename it later). - If you want that your ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard will be able to send SNMP traps:
– Select the Trap Community checkbox.
– Keep trap as Trap Community name for test purposes (you can rename it later),
– Select Trap Destination 1 checkbox and specify the IP Address of your SNMP server (Trap Destination 2 enables to select a second SNMP server). - Click on APPLY CHANGES.
Settings on your MIB Browser
- Start your MIB Browser.
- Load the MIB file of your ePowerSwitch or VizioGuard unit. The MIB File can be downloaded directly from your device to your PC (Tab “General/Tools” => “Save MIB”).
- As SNMP Agent address, specify the IP Address of your control system.
- As Port, specify UDP Port 161 and also 162 if you want to use SNMP traps.
- As Read Community name, use public for test purposes.
- As Write Community name, use private for test purposes.
- As SNMP version specify version 2.
- The SNMP protocol is routable, but for test purposes we suggest to try out over your Local Network.
- The SNMP Read Community name is like a password and is sent with each SNMP Get-Request.
- Most network products use the default password „public“ which can be used for test purposes, for security reasons, we sugest to change it later.
- The same Read Community name must be used on both MIB Browser and your device.
- The SNMP Write Community name is like a password and is sent with each SNMP Set-Request.
- Most network products use the default password „private“ which can be used for test purposes, for security reasons, we sugest to change it later.
- The same Write Community name must be used on both MIB Browser and your device.
- SNMP uses UDP Port 161 (and 162 for SNMP traps), make sure, theses ports are set on your MIB Browser and that they are open on your network (routers, switches, firewalls…).
The MIB file is stored on your device and can be downloaded directly to your PC.
Simply login as administrator, go to the General/Tools page and click on the Save MIB button to copy the file to your local hard drive.
To ensure that your Syslog Server can receive Syslog messages you must make sure that:
Your device is properly configured to send Syslog messages
- Go to General/Syslog Page
- Check the Primary Syslog Server checkbox and specify the IP Address or the host name of your Syslog Server.
Optionally you can configure a Secondary Syslog Server. If you use a hostname, your system must be able to resolve the hostname locally and so you need to configure aDefault Gateway and at least one DNS Server on the Network Settings Page (go to General/IP Config page).
Syslog port 514 is open for data transmission on the Syslog Server. If your remote Syslog Server has a firewall, first ensure the Syslog port (514) is open to allow the Syslog UDP transmission through your firewall.
Syslog port 514 is not already being used by some other application on the Syslog Server.
Administrator account : 5 minutes
User account : 1 minute
- The timeout is disabled if the „Rule Panel“ page is displayed.
- Values are valid for all ePowerSwitch and VizioGuard devices with version number 2.x.x.x to 3.x.x.x
Operating temperature: 0 to 40°C
Operating humidity: 10 to 80% (not condensed)
Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C
Storage humidity: 10 to 80% (not condensed)
Common instructions
ePowerSwitch 4M+ | Relays open | Relays closed |
Voltage | 230 | 230 |
Watt | 2,76 | 4,43 |
Var | 4,7 | 4,5 |
VA | 5,4 | 6,36 |
PF | 0,51 | 0,7 |
ePowerSwitch 8M+ | Relays open | Relays closed |
Voltage | 230 | 230 |
Watt | 7,32 | 4,08 |
Var | 9,3 | 9,4 |
VA | 11,8 | 10,4 |
PF | 0,61 | 0,4 |
ePowerSwitch 8M+ /32 | Relays open | Relays closed |
Voltage | 230 | 230 |
Watt | 7,49 | 4,19 |
Var | 9,0 | 9,2 |
VA | 11,69 | 10,13 |
PF | 0,64 | 0,41 |
ePowerSwitch 8XM | Relays open | Relays closed |
Voltage | 230 | 230 |
Watt | 7,65 | 4,38 |
Var | 9,3 | 9,4 |
VA | 12,00 | 10,40 |
PF | 0,64 | 0,42 |
ePowerSwitch 8XS | Relays open | Relays closed |
Voltage | 230 | 230 |
Watt | 7,45 | 3,85 |
Var | 9,6 | 9,8 |
VA | 12,20 | 10,70 |
PF | 0,61 | 0,36 |
ePowerSwitch 8XS /32 | Relays open | Relays closed |
Voltage | 230 | 230 |
Watt | 7,51 | 3,95 |
Var | 9,9 | 10,3 |
VA | 12,38 | 11,01 |
PF | 0,61 | 0,36 |
Using the provided serial cable or any other straight through RS232 serial cable (9-pin D-SUB male /female), establish a Terminal connection @9600, 8, n, 1, no handshake between your ePowerSwitch and a Comport of a PC.
- Press Enter until the configuration menu appears.
- Type /initadminaccount and press Enter.
The command begins with a slash „/“ character that does not appear on screen. If you do see the slash you probably have entered it twice. - The message „System is restarting…“ appears.
- The message „System started“ appears to confirm that factory default password has been restored.
Name and password are set back to factory defaults after the reset. Please refer to your manual to obtain the default values.
The factory default settings can be restored using any of these methods.
Through a serial connection
- Establish a Terminal connection @ 9600, n, 8, 1, no handshake between your ePowerSwitch and a Comport of a PC (use the provided cable or any other straight RS232 serial cable).
- Press Enter a configuration menu appears.
- Type /restorefactconf followed by Enter.
Note: The slash „/“ symbol is NOT displayed on your screen, do NOT type it twice! - The message „System is restarting…“ appears.
- The message „System started“ appears to confirm that factory default settings have been restored.
Using a browser
- Connect as administrator to your ePowerSwitch (default:
- Click General Tab then Tools Tab. Click the Restore button and click OK to confirm.
- The message „Please wait while the system is rebooting“ confirms that factory settings has been restored.
Default Factory settings
- IP address:
- Port: 80
- Protocol: HTTP
- Finder program: enabled.
The status of the power outlets are not affected by this action!
Developers who want to implement the power outlet control in own programs can access to a special page named hidden.htm and control the power outlet using simple commands.
Access to this special page can be secured by a user name and password and also by IP address filtering.
Configuration and activation of the hidden page
To configure the Hidden Page Account:
- Log in as administrator.
- Go to Settings / Accounts.
- Click on “Edit” next to the Hidden page account.
This check box must be checked to activate the Hidden Page Account. It enables to deactivate
temporarily this account while keeping all its settings for a later use. The Hidden Page Account cannot be deleted.
User Name
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the Hidden Page Account. The user name can be up to 32 characters long and contain alphanumeric characters. Do not use quotes or special characters in labels!
In this field, enter the password you want to give to the Hidden Page Account. The password can be up to 32 characters long and contain alphanumeric characters.
Confirm Password
In this field, enter the password again for confirmation.
IP Address Control
Network security can be increased by IP address filtering. Check this checkbox and specify an
IP address or a range of IP addresses which has the right to access to the Hidden Page Account.
You can only select outlet O1 and / or RS232 (SD1) to stop a server via RS232 serial port your
Access to the hidden page
The hidden page must be enabled to access!
For your first tests:
- Go to the page Settings / Accounts and click the Edit symbol of the hidden page (Hidden Page).
- Check the checkbox Activated, select the outlet of your ePowerSwitch and click on the red arrow.
- Click APPLY CHANGES to validate the configuration.
- Start your browser and enter the IP address of your ePowerSwitch tracking/hidden.htm.
If the IP address is ePowerSwitch, type:
Your browser will then display:
Hidden Page DD Month Year HH: MM: SS => Clock ePowerSwitch your system ePowerSwitch 1G => name of your product Version: => Firmware Version M0: O1 = On => state of the socket 1
Control of the power socket
The Hidden Page Account must be actived in order to access it! Only the selected power outlet can be controlled through the Hidden Page Account.
The outlet supports three commands: On, Off and Restart.
The syntax of the command is:
M0: = Ox [ON], [OFF], [RESTART]
- M0: ID of your ePowerSwitch
- Ox: number of the socket of your ePowerSwitch
- ON: ON command
- OFF: OFF command
- Restart: RESTART command
The command must be preceded by a „?“.
The commands can be entered in uppercase and lowercase.
If you want to turn off the power outlet, type:
If you want to turn on the power outlet, type:
The RS232 serial interface of the ePowerSwitch 4M + can be used to shut down an actual PC / Server with a serial RS232 interface and inverter function (tab „UPS“ applet in the „Power Options Properties“ under Windows.
To do this, the computer must be equipped with an RS232 serial interface and „Power Options Properties“ must be properly configured!
Principle of operation
The action takes place in two steps:
- First, the Shutdown function of the ePowerSwitch shows via its serial port that the PC / Server must be stopped.
- In a second step and after a deadline set by the administrator, the function Shutdown cut off the power of the outlet used to power the PC/Server.
Hardware connection
Using the supplied RS232 serial cable (or any other straight cable SUBD-9 M / F), connect the serial interface of the ePowerSwitch (DB9) to the RS232 serial interface of the computer to be shut down over its serial port.
Configuration on the PC
- In the Control Panel window, click the Applet „Power Options“ and then on the „UPS“ in the „Power Options Properties“.
- Click on „Select …“, choose „Generic“ in the dropdown list and click on „Finish“ and then on the „Apply “ button to validate your configuration.
- ! If your UPS service is not started, the following message appears: „The UPS service is stopped for the moment“. In that case go to the Services and activate it.
Configuring the ePowerSwitch
- Go to the Settings page / shutdown and click on „Add a New Shutdown“.
- In „Add a New Shutdown Association“, click on „Activated“.
- Enter a name for this Shutdown function (32 characters max).
- Set a time limit beyond which the outlet of the ePowerSwitch used to power the PC / Server must be turned off. The default time is 60 seconds.
- In the Device list, choose the equipment to be stopped over the serial port.
! When the device is used alone, there are no options to choose from. - In the „Outputs Shutdown“, choose the serial port to use to stop the PC / Server.
! When the device is used alone, select „SD1″ and click on the red arrow to the right (=>) MO SD1 appears in the dropdown list „is associated with…“. - In the list „Device“, choose the ePowerSwitch that will provide AC power to your server.
! When ePowerSwitch 4M + is used alone, you have nothing to choose. - In „Power Outlets“, select the outlet used to power your server then click on the red arrow to the right (=>) MO: O1 appears in the dropdown list „… is associated with“.
- Finally click „Apply Changes“ at the bottom of the page to validate your configuration.
Test your configuration
Go to „Misc“.
In addition to the state (On or Off) of the outlet used to power your PC / Server is now the letter „S“ to indicate that this outlet is controlled through the Shutdown function.
! If this is not the case, you forgot to activate the function. In that case return to the page Shutdowns, click on „Activated“ then on „Apply Changes“ at the bottom of the page.
Click „Off“ on the socket used to power your PC / Server.
- RTS and DTR are immediately turned off to tell the PC / Server that a stop request is required. To do this, disable the ePowerSwitch lines CTS (Pin 8 of RS232/DB9) and CD (line 1 of RS232/DB9) for a period of 60 seconds if you use the default configuration (this value can be set between 1 and 3600 seconds). Explanation: the RTS line (pin 7 of RS232/DB9) must be activated by the PC (this is the normal state of this line the PC is turned on).
- After a configurable delay between 1 and 3600 seconds, the selected outlet is turned off. If you use the default configuration, this period will be 60 seconds. CTS lines (Pin 8 of RS232/DB9) and CD (line 1 of RS232/DB9) are again enabled.
The Power outlets of an ePowerSwitch can also be controlled over a RS232 connection using a simple ASCII protocol. So it is possible to switch on, off, cycle and toggle individually each Power outlet using a KVM Switch, a Terminal Server or a PC running a Terminal program. The ASCII protocol used by ePowerSwitch products becomes a standard and is used by many KVM Switch manufacturers.
Depending on the Release of your product, use one of following procedure:
Procedure for ePowerSwitch devices as of version 2.x.x.x
- Use the supplied RS232 serial cable (or any straight cable) to connect the ePowerSwitch to an available serial Port of your PC.
- Run a Terminal program such as Windows HyperTerminal.
- Configure the appropriate serial port with the following settings:
9.600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control. - On your computer, press ENTER until the menu appears on your screen.
Command: /P0x=y
The command must start with „/“ (slash) and must be terminated with a carriage return (CR=13=0Dh).
Note: The „/“ symbol is NOT displayed on your screen, do NOT type it twice!
Where x = power outlet number (0 to 4)
- 0 = All power outlets
- 1 = Power outlet 1
- 2 = Power outlet 2
- 3 = Power outlet 3
- 4 = Power outlet 4
Where y = command
- 0 = Switch corresponding power outlet(s) to Off
- 1 = Switch corresponding power outlet(s) to On
- r = Restart corresponding power outlet(s)
- t = Toggle corresponding power outlet(s)
- SUB-D9 female connector
- Pin 2 = TxD (transmit data to the PC)
- Pin 3 = RxD (receive commands)
- Pin 5 = GnD
9600, n, 8, 1 without flow control.
Procedure for a ePowerSwitch 4 (Up to version
!!! This model is discontinued and replaced by ePowerSwitch 4 R2 !!!
- Use the supplied RS232 serial cable to connect the ePowerSwitch-4 to an available serial port of your PC.
- Run a terminal program such as Windows HyperTerminal.
- Configure the appropriate serial port with the following settings:
9.600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control. - On your computer, press ENTER until the prompt «>» appears on your screen.
The ePowerSwitch 4 is now in the command mode and is waiting for commands to switch the power sockets.
Note: The power outlets can only be controlled if the ePowerSwitch-4 is in the Command mode and NOT in the Configuration mode. If you are in the Configuration mode type the /RS command to leave this mode. By default, the ePowerSwitch 4 is in Command mode after a power up.
Command: Px=y
Where x = power outlet number (0 to 4)
- 0 = All power outlets
- 1 = Power outlet 1
- 2 = Power outlet 2
- 3 = Power outlet 3
- 4 = Power outlet 4
Where y = command
- 0 = Switch corresponding power outlet(s) to Off
- 1 = Switch corresponding power outlet(s) to On
- r = Restart corresponding power outlet(s)
- t = Toggle corresponding power outlet(s)
Switch power outlet 1 ON: p1=1
Switch power outlet 2 OFF: p2=0
Restart power outlet 1: p1=r
Restart power outlet 4: p4=r
Toggle power outlet 3: p3=t
Switch all power outlets ON: p0=1
Restart all power outlets: p0=r
Note: The ePowerSwitch-4 accepts lower case and upper case commands. The version of the firmware can be displayed by typing „?“ followed by .